Rekomendasi Penanganan Kecelakaan Dalam Penentuan Daerah Rawan Kecelakaan (Studi Kasus: Ruas Jalan Tol Tangerang-Merak)
Astra, Toll Roads, Surveys, RecommendationsAbstract
Astra is a private company with one of its assets, the Tangerang-Merak Toll Road. This toll road is the western end of the toll road on the island of Java which is complex with problems. Providing recommendations through conducting surveys can be used as an alternative to make changes for the better. The large number of kojo (coffee squats), illegal parking and overloaded vehicles are the conclusions of the survey. Astra is a private company with one of its assets, the Tangerang-Merak Toll Road. This toll road is the western end of the toll road on the island of Java which is complex with problems. Providing recommendations through conducting surveys can be used as an alternative to make changes for the better. The large number of kojo (coffee squats), illegal parking and overloaded vehicles are the conclusions of the survey. From data obtained from PT. Marga Mandalasakti Astra Infra Toll Road, in 2021-2023 there were 1500 accident cases with 62 deaths, 228 serious injuries, and 573 minor injuries. This is a crucial issue that requires immediate attention and action. .The research method used is quantitative and qualitative with primary and secondary data analyzed to describe and analyze the factors that contribute to traffic accidents on toll roads. Based on the data analysis carried out, it can be concluded that using the AEK and UCL methods, there are 5 highest accident-prone locations, namely at KM 74, KM 50, KM 68, KM 59 and KM 36. Of the five accident-prone locations, the causes of the highest accidents are due to human factors such as lack of anticipation and drowsiness. Socialization to drivers must continue to be developed so that it can serve as a reminder for both users and toll road operators. As well as vehicle factors such as overload, it is necessary to evaluate to reduce the risk of traffic accidents on the Tangerang-Merak toll road.
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